Perfecting My Foot

Preventing Stress Fractures When Running

If you run, jog, or take part in track events, then you may develop a stress fracture along your foot. This is likely if you do not support your feet properly. Stress fractures will heal relatively quickly if you keep weight off your foot. Once the fracture heals, you should do whatever you can to prevent a new fracture from developing. Keep reading to learn about a few ways you can do this.

Pay Attention To Your Diet

If you are involved in sports activities like running, then you should pay close attention to your diet. As you use your muscles across your legs, ankles, and feet, the tissues will grow. This does help to support your bones and your joints, and this can help to reduce stress. However, tissues are not as thick and numerous around the feet and ankles. This allows the ankles and feet to move freely, but it also leaves the bones somewhat unsupported.

To make sure the feet and ankles can function properly under stressful conditions, make sure you are eating the nutrients that your bones need. Calcium and vitamin D are important, and you should be consuming these nutrients each and every day. These nutrients are used to continually rebuild bone tissues, and they are also used to repair small fractures and injuries in the bone. So, if you consume an ample amount of calcium and vitamin D, your body can repair weak areas in the bone before they develop into fractures.

Most people consume more than enough nutrients in their diet. However, if you are an older adult, then you may need even more of the nutrients to keep your bones healthy. Speak with your physician about taking a calcium supplement.

Fix Your Technique

Stress fractures can be caused by poor form. In other words, if you are not running properly, then you are placing a great deal of stress on certain areas of your feet. This can cause the bones to retain a lot of pressure, and breaks can then develop. For example, if you place your heel down first when running, then stress fractures, as well as bone spurs, are likely to form along the heel. 

When you run, you want the ball of your foot to hit the ground first. Your foot should roll downward and the heel should make gentle contact with the ground. 

Running technique with high knees and a slightly forward angling body are also ideal to keep stress fractures at bay. Of course, you also should wear shoes that are supportive of the feet along the arch and the ankle. 

If you have a stress fracture, or suspect something is injured on your foot or ankle, then you should visit with a podiatric sports medicine specialist, like the ones at this website,
