Foot Care Tips For Equestrians

As an equestrian, you probably spend a lot of time and money maintaining your horse's feet. No hoof, no horse — right? But while taking care of your horse's feet is certainly essential to succeed in this sport, you should not be neglecting your own feet, either. Spending day after day in boots, walking through arenas and pastures, is not exactly easy on you. Here are some ways to take better care of your feet.

How To Tell When It's Time For New Orthotics

For many people, orthotics are temporary tools needed for recovery from an injury or for treatment for a condition that can be healed. For others, however, orthotics are long-term features that they need to use constantly. It can be difficult to tell exactly when those orthotics need to be replaced, however, because orthotic "failure" can be gradual. Age, to a Point Most orthotics have what you could call a shelf-life. They are expected to eventually wear out, so after a certain amount of use, you need to start checking the orthotics to see if they've reached the point where they need to be replaced.